The Journal of the National Hispanic Medical Association (JNHMA) provides a forum for physicians and other healthcare professionals to share the unique and important issues that affect the Hispanic/Latino communities. The Journal’s mission is to serve as an educational hub for topics regarding public health, health equity, and the health of Hispanics and other underserved communities in the United States and abroad.

Latest Issue (Vol 2, Issue 2, October 2024)

From the Clinics to the Polls: Why Voting Matters for Latino Medical Professionals

This article examines voting barriers for Latino medical professionals, highlighting the impact on community health and offering solutions to promote civic engagement and support equitable healthcare policy.

Content is Life: The Power of Social Media to Improve Health among Latinos

Despite comprising 19% of the U.S. population, Latino communities face significant health disparities, including higher rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes, highlighting the need for targeted preventive interventions.

Use of a Health Fair to Promote Health Equity of the Hispanic Community in Metro Detroit

This study highlights health disparities and barriers to care within Metro Detroit’s Hispanic community, revealed through a health fair survey, emphasizing the need for targeted efforts to improve health equity.

Hispanic Breast Cancer Survivors Share Their Perceptions About Endocrine Blocking Therapy Adherence

This study explores factors affecting adherence to endocrine blocking therapy among Hispanic breast cancer survivors, aiming to understand their perceptions and address disparities in treatment outcomes and survival rates.

A Dual Diagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis and Sjogren’s Syndrome in a Hispanic Patient: A Case-based Discussion of Clinical Findings, Therapeutic Implications, and Culturally Competent Care

This case report examines the complex co-occurrence of myasthenia gravis and Sjogren’s syndrome in a young Hispanic woman, highlighting diagnostic challenges and the need for timely recognition in underrepresented populations.

A Case of a 65-year-old Woman with Vitiligo and Diabetes Presenting with Severe Autoimmune Hepatitis

This case of autoimmune hepatitis in a 65-year-old Hispanic woman highlights diagnostic challenges, the importance of thorough workup, and the need for standardized criteria to improve timely treatment and outcomes.

Hispanic Faculty Trends in U.S. Medical Schools: A 50-Year Perspective

Despite a substantial growth in the U.S. Hispanic population over the past 50 years, representation of Hispanic faculty in medical schools remains low, highlighting persistent disparities in academic medicine.

Can AI Hear Me? Nine Facts About the Artificial Intelligence Scribe

This article explores the key features and complexities of artificial intelligence scribes in clinical practice, highlighting their potential benefits and challenges, particularly for Hispanic patient populations.

Editorial Board


Nereida Correa, MD, MPH, FACOG

Ana Maria Lopez, MD, MPH, MACP, FRCP (London)

Associate Editors

Bert Johannsson, MD, PhD, FAAP

Ricardo Correa, MD, EdD, FACP, FAPCR, CMQ

Nora Esteban-Cruciani, MD, MS, FAAP

Managing Editor

Priscilla Totten

Submit your manuscript here

Check the digital publications here

Download past editions: 

Vol. 1, Issue 1, April 2023

Vol. 1, Issue 2, Nov. 2023

Vol. 2, Issue 1, April 2024

Vol. 2, Issue 2, Oct. 2024











1920 L St., NW, Suite 200

Washington, DC, United States, 20036
Publisher: National Hispanic Medical Association
The JNHMA is accepting new submissions for our next edition.
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