NHMA Chapters

In 2013, the NHMA Board of Directors established six regions, under the leadership of a Chairperson who worked with the NHMA staff to coordinate Fall NHMA Policy Forums and to expand NHMA premier membership.

In 2020, NHMA Chapter Policy Forums, under the leadership of a Chairperson and a Steering Committee (medical societies, NHMA Council of Young Physicians, NHMA Council of Residents, LMSA medical students, and other health care providers and community leaders) have started and will continue throughout the year.  NHMA staff coordinates the funding, logistics, and speakers with the Chapter chairpersons.

The purpose of this structure is to build participation opportunities with NHMA Members and Partners to provide physicians, health care providers, and community leaders with updated information about policies and programs that impact local Hispanic healthcare and health equity.

NHMA Chapter Event Information



Boston Enrique Caballero, MD
Central California Rebecca Rivera, MD
Chicago Emma Olivera, MD, FAAP
Gulf Coast Ricardo Gomez, MD
Miami Serguei Castaneda, MD
Nebraska Carlos Gomez, MD
Nevada Jose Cucalon Calderon, MD
New York Christina Guillen, MD
Northern California Jessica Nunez de Ybarra, MD, MPH
Pennsylvania Sarah Ramirez, MD
Philadelphia Ana Maria Lopez, MD, MD, MPH, MACP
Phoenix Petra Fimbres, MD
Southern California Martha Preciado, MD
Texas Bert Johannson, MD, PhD
Washington, DC Metro Region


Interested in starting a chapter in your area? Look here for more information.